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Repeat Prescriptions
Posted or Updated on 26 Sep 2024
We are currently undertaking a review of how we process prescription requests. In part, this has been prompted by a marked increase in staff being subject to raised voices and impatience from patients who have not ordered their medication within a reasonable time frame.
Medications which are a 'repeat' prescription can be ordered online, or by calling our repeat prescription ordering line on 01764 655510, or by handing in the right hand side of your prescription anytime. Please order your medication in a timely manner; it can take up to 72 hours to prepare your prescription for collection or to be sent to the pharmacy of your choice.
Medication which has previously been issued as an acute or first prescription, or you've not requested within the past 3 months, requires close review by a Clinician and, therefore, we'd expect these to take up to a week.